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Counselling for work stress

What is work stress?

In simple terms, work stress is a form of stress caused by things that happen at work. For example, people can get stressed if they don’t have the skills or time to meet tight deadlines. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in 2017/18, 595,000 people in the UK reported work-related stress. That’s 40% of all work-related illness.

Having an element of challenge is a natural part of having a job and to a certain extent and most people enjoy because we tend to work faster and be more focused with some stress.

However, when these challenges override our ability to cope, the mind and can begin to suffer. Although stress is a natural and useful human response, in excess it can be very unhealthy and cause havoc on the body.  Most noteworthy, headaches, high blood pressure and depression. An estimated 137.3 million sick days are taken due to work related stress every year. Source. Office National Statistics

Work related stress is a growing problem in Britain. Increasing numbers of people report to feeling overworked, unappreciated, underpaid and/or bullied in the workplace. This can lead to further complications such as – anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and even suicidal thoughts. Along with physical health problems, relationship issues, sleep loss and feelings of self-doubt and inferiority.

How can counselling for work stress can help

Counselling aims to help you get to the root cause of the problems that are causing you stress and help you unravel your feelings. We are all different, and as such we all react differently to certain situations. Counselling will help you explore your own thinking patterns and ways of behaving within the work environment. Problems can be deep rooted. And if not tackled at the root you will continue to encounter the same problems time and time again.

Crovides a supportive environment where you can learn new ways of coping with work stress.

Cognitve behavioural therapy (CBT)  More about CBT helps you identify how thoughts and behaviour impact your emotions. And will help you develop more balanced thinking patterns and change unhelpful behaviour. Carried out step-by-step so you feel comfortable and in control.

Counselling can help you see things more clearly and enable you the freedom to find a way forward.

If you would like to make an appointment to see one of our qualified for help overcome your work stress. Contact us at CBT and Counselling today. Request an appointment

Further reading and self-help

Overcoming Your Workplace Stress: A CBT based Self Help Guide’ (2011) by Martin Bamber. Overcoming work place stress

Managing Stress in the Workplace’ How to Get Rid of Stress at Work and Live a Longer Life (2014) by Joe Martin. How to manage stress

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